We are very selective of our vendors and reserve the right to refuse any vendor application.
By submitting the information on this page and or submitting your club logo, and vehicle picture, you consent and authorize the usage of this information at the discretion of East Side Story Car Show and Fiesta.
All Vendors must provide Seller’s Permit.
All Vendors must either provide proof or acquire a Vendor Insurance that covers the following:
Fair Insurance Requirements: General Liability insurance with a $1,000,000 Per Occurrence.
Additional Insured wording:
The State of California, the District Agricultural Association, County fair, the County in which the County Fair is located, Lessor/Sublessor if fair site is leased/subleased, Citrus Fruit Fair, California Exposition and State Fair, or Entities (public or non-profit) operating California designated agricultural fairs, their directors, officers, agents, servants, and employees are included as Additional Insured, but only insofar as the vendor’s operations are concerned.
Certificate Holder:
45th District Agricultural Association
200 East 2nd Street
Imperial, CA
In case you need, you can purchase the following Vendor Insurance:
Vendor Insurance Program Highlights – Hub International – Encino
We suggest acquiring this option:
Program Rate 5 consecutive days or less: $59.36 Premium + $15.00 Administrative Fee = $74.36 Total
You can provide your own vendor insurance, but you will have to share proof with us to complete your registration.
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